Kelly osbourne before and after: huge transformation

Kelly osbourne reveals she underwent gastric sleeve surgery to lose weight | entertainment tonight

Kelly Osbourne’s weight loss journey: Star reveals she had gastric sleeve surgery.

In early August, Kelly shared a photo of herself rocking a red Gucci outfit with her purple hair in an updo. It was in the comments section of this Instagram post where The Real co-host Jeannie Mai’s mother wrote what plenty of Kelly’s followers had already noticed, «Oh my gosh, you lost a lot of weight.»

“That’s right mamma Mai I lost 85lbs since I last saw you,” Osbourne replied to her comment. “Can you believe it?”

Take a look for yourself!

Source: Instagram
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On Aug. 8, Kelly again demonstrated just how far she’s come in her weight loss journey. She shared a photo of herself holding an article of clothing with a size 26 tag — which is about a size 2 here in the U.S.

“Yes…I’m bragging because I worked hard and it feels good!!!” she captioned the shot shared to her Instagram Story.

Kelly recently appeared on the Hollywood Raw podcast and opened up about her weight loss journey. «I did the gastric sleeve. All it does is change the shape of your stomach,» she explained to the hosts. «I got that almost two years ago. I will never ever ever lie about it ever. It is the best thing I have ever done.»

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Source: Instagram

Additionally, she revealed that she also stopped drinking alcohol, worked out and started eating healthier. «All it is, is a push in the right direction,» she said. «It doesn’t solve all your problems. It’s not a quick fix.» 

Ozzy Osbourne’s daughter also told listeners that she is very open about her procedure because she does not want to «lie about anything» she’s had done. Adding, «I always want to share what I’ve done so that people can do it, too.»

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Биография Келли Осборн

Kelly Osbourne родилась 27 октября 1984 года в Вестминстере. Известные музыканты Оззи и Шэрон Осборны назвали дочь Келли Мишель Ли. Девочка стала вторым ребенком в семье. Она младше сестры Эми и старше брата Джека, у нее еще есть сводные брат и сестра. Детство Келли пришлось на пик популярности Оззи. поэтому девочке часто приходилось гастролировать с родителями, жить в гостиничных номерах, обучаться в разных колледжах Англии.

Отец злоупотреблял спиртным, баловался наркотиками, иногда бил маму Келли. Его проступки сказались не лучшим образом на формирование характера и манеры поведения будущей артистки.

К 15-летию дочери Осборны переехали в Штаты. Там Келли начала вести разгульную жизнь. Шэрон старалась контролировать дочь и даже воспользовалась услугами детектива. Начало популярности в карьере юной звезды связано с выходом в 2002 году телешоу про «Осборнов». Проект стал хитом благодаря участию в нем яркой и своенравной Келли.

Став известной, артистка выпустила сольную пластинку под названием «Заткнись!», которая особой популярности не получила. Позднее певица исполняла композиции с отцом и другими британскими музыкантами. Вторым сольным альбомом «Сон» поклонники звезды сильно заинтересовались – на обложке девушка была заметно похудевшей.

В 2004 Келли дебютировала в картине для подростков «Жизнь как она есть». В это же время она стала злоупотреблять выпивкой. Спустя год Келли прошла лечение от вредной привычки, а поклонники смогли услышать песни из нового альбома «Sleeping in the Nothing». Далее Осборн стали приглашать для участия в шоу и кино. Лучшими сериалами с ее участием стали «Переходный возраст», «Отель «Вавилон»», «До смерти красива».

В 2004 девушку укусил клещ. Лишь в 2013 врачи диагностировали у нее болезнь Лайма и назначили верное лечение.

В 2009 году артистка появилась в «Танцах со звездами» и заняла третье место. Участвуя в телешоу, она сильно похудела. Затем она написала книгу-автобиографию «Яростная» и создала собственную линию одежды.

Келли Осборн, 27 лет
Во всех отношениях яркий пример девушки, которая меняется, не изменяя себе. Даже волосы по-прежнему красит в любимый розово-лиловый! Да и глаза Келли подведены все так же ярко, правда, теперь за макияж отвечают профессионалы…

Дата рождения
: 27 октября 1984 годаМесто рождения
: ЛондонРост
: 157 смВес
: 55 кгИнстаграм

In December 2019, Kelly shared she would be making self-care a priority.

On New Year’s Eve, Kelly shared a collage of photos of herself from 2019 while also declaring that self-care would be a priority for her in the coming year. And it seems she’s remained true to this promise.

“2019 has been one hell of a year,» she captioned her Instagram post. “In many ways it has been amazing especially in terms of self-growth. In many ways it has been gut-wrenchingly difficult. However through all the good and bad it has been incredibly educational for me.”

“I have come to the realization that I constantly put the needs of others before my own,” Kelly continued, also noting she had been sober for nearly two and a half years. The year 2020, however, would be «the year of me.»

“It’s time to put myself first, stop taking on other people’s s—t and be the bada— sober women I was born to be.”

Source: Instagram

Музыка и творчество

Девушка прославилась в 2002 году, когда на экраны вышло реалити-шоу «Семейка Осборнов». Телепередача стала настоящим хитом, а Келли называли основой успеха. Младшая дочь Осборнов выделялась броским внешним видом и жутким характером. Своенравное и скандальное поведение Келли не раз становилось темой для обсуждения в популярных СМИ.

На волне известности Келли Осборн начала карьеру исполнительницы, музыка встала на первый план. Девушка выпустила сольный альбом, который назывался «Shut Up», содержащий кавер-версию песни Мадонны – «Papa Don’t Preach». Также было снято несколько клипов, в том числе на песню «Come Dig Me Out». Особенной популярности альбом не получил, и летом 2003 года Epic расторгли контракт.

Тем не менее, эта неудача не остановила певицу, и уже осенью 2003 года девушка заключила контракт с лейблом Sanctuary, переиздав дебютный диск под обновленным названием «Changes».

Келли выпустила 3-й альбом под названием «Sleeping in the Nothing», где преобладала лирика и танцевальные мотивы. Этот диск стал самым удачным, оставив довольными поклонников и саму Келли, популярной стала композиция «One Word». Масштабных концертов у певицы не было, только несколько выступлений.

В поисках себя девушка занималась различными видами деятельности. В возрасте 20 лет Осборн дебютировала как актриса, сыграв с отцом в подростковом фильме «Переходный возраст». Келли выпустила свою линию одежды «Stiletto Killers», которая продержалась 2 года. Кроме этого, вела колонку в подростковой газете «The Sun».

Осенью 2009 года девушка выпустила автобиографическую книгу под названием «Яростная». В этом же году Келли попробовала свои силы в роли режиссёра, решив возобновить реалити «Семейка Осборнов. Перезагрузка». Но идея провалилась, было отснято всего 6 серий.

Келли активно занималась благотворительностью. В 2007 году приняла участие в проекте «Салон», где подробно рассказывалось о проблеме ВИЧ-инфицированных людей. В 2010 году Келли и Шэрон Осборн приняли участие в кампании, запрещающей ущемлять права людей с нетрадиционной ориентацией.

За свою карьеру Келли выпустила 3 альбома и снялась более чем в 10 фильмах и сериалах. Так, в 2012 году девушка получила роль в фильме «Агент под прикрытием», а в 2014 году – в «Акулий торнадо 2». Неоднократно номинирована на множество музыкальных премий.

Когда в биографии Келли появился проект «Модный контроль», ведущей которого была актриса и икона стиля Джоан Риверс, казалось, девушка нашла свое призвание. Осборн, Джулиана Ранчич и стилист Джордж Коциопулос выступали как соведущие. Концепция программы – обсуждение нарядов селебрити в иронической и язвительной форме. Девушка покинула проект, мотивируя поступок разногласиями с Ранчич. Но некоторые представители прессы писали, что это Джулианна настояла на увольнении Осборн.


  • 2002 — «Shut Up»
  • 2003 — «Changes»
  • 2005 — «Sleeping in the Nothing»

Келли Осборн родилась в звездной семье британского рокера Оззи Осборна. Мать Келли,
работала музыкальным агентом своего популярного мужа,
а также занималась воспитанием дочери и сына Джека,
которое нельзя назвать традиционным. Все детство Келли и Джек меняли школы и колесили по миру вслед за своим легендарным отцом. Номера отелей были пристанищем для семьи куда чаще,
чем их родной дом. Лишь в 1995 году Осборны более менее осели в Лос-Анджелесе.

Тем не менее,
Оззи и Шэрон практически во всем предоставляли свободу своим детям,
поэтому семейство Осборнов хоть и странное,
но считается образцом взаимопонимания,
уважения и любви между родителями и детьми.

Kelly Osbourne Transformation: Before & After

According to the rumors, it has come to know that the actress Kelly Osbourne has gone through a huge transformation. Recently, she completely looks different from what she was. Moreover, the star also loosed a huge weight of around 38.5Kg, through a gastric sleeve weight-loss surgery.

The surgery was quite painful for her, but she faced it and made her fat lose 70-80% of what she previously had. Apart from this, the actress also followed a strict diet plan before her surgery so that the surgery could be done easily without any complications.

Moreover, the star was also consulted to do regular exercise. So that she could not feel uneasy during the weight-loss surgery. After the star was done with the surgery, she was shocked by the results and thanked the surgery team for their excellent work.

Kelly Osbourne (Credits: Page Six)

But when she made a comeback to his career, she was centered by a lot of questions, which made her feel nervous and felt very sad just because the media and the audience were making fun of her, despite cheering her up for his new look.

Many sources also claimed that the audience made the actress emotional as well as sad by commenting on her new look. They commented that “she had gone through plastic surgery to make his look appealing as she knows that the face she previously had was more than a fatty clown.

And to make her look stunning, she had done this all,”. she replied with anger, that “she doesn’t care about anyone else. And it’s her own choice and decision she has made, which makes her proud.

The 35-year-old TV personality got candid about her recent weight loss.

Earlier this month, Kelly Osbourne revealed she lost 85 pounds — and is now getting candid about how she shed the weight. In an interview with Hollywood Raw Podcast, released on Thursday, the 35-year-old TV personality shared details of how she achieved her slimmer figure, revealing that she underwent gastric sleeve surgery.

Osbourne first began by sharing that she had «really bad» Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ), which is pain and compromised movement of the jaw joint and the surrounding muscles.

«One of the things they did to stop it was they gave me injections in my jaw. It kinda made my jaw look skinnier. That’s when people started to notice that I had really lost weight because it changed the shape of everything,» Osbourne told hosts Dax Holt and Adam Glyn. «I found out it’s called buckle fat. It changed everything on my face! I was like, why the f**k did I not know about this sooner?”

Osbourne shared that she had been working for the past two years deciding if she still wanted to be in the industry and «figuring out if I was even capable of even losing this weight.» She then admitted to undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, saying, “I don’t give a f**k what anyone has to say. I did it, I’m proud of it.»

«I did the gastric sleeve. All it does is change the shape of your stomach,” Osbourne explained. “I got that almost two years ago. I will never, ever, ever lie about it ever. It is the best thing I have ever done.»

Osbourne also said that her mom, Sharon Osbourne, has been her «cheerleader» amid her weight loss journey. 

Sharon, on her end, has also been vocal about her past weight loss, telling ET in 2014 that she regretted undergoing gastric bypass surgery in 1999. She got the band removed in 2006. 

«I felt such a cheat when I had that band on my stomach,» she said. «People are saying, ‘You look wonderful!’ I’d go, ‘Thank you, I just have to leave and vomit.'»

As for Sharon’s daughter, she also shared that she stopped drinking, which she said is «the best thing I’ve ever done.»

The former Fashion Police co-host touched on how Joan Rivers’ death really «destroyed» her, and after the E! show ended, she felt lost. She explained that in the following years she used to be a «a full-blown functioning alcoholic» and recalled how in 2017 she called up her brother, Jack Osbourne, to tell him that she needed help. 

«I said, ‘I’m done, I need some help, can you come to get me? I don’t want to be a fat, drunk loser anymore. I want to be a skinny winner,'» she remembered. «I was ready to work on myself and I did it.»

As for how she’s making sure to keep the weight off, she’s made sure to work out and be better at eating healthier. 

«If you don’t work out and you don’t eat right, you gain weight. All it does is move you in the right direction. So, anybody who’s thinking of doing something like this, really think about that,” Osbourne expressed. «I had to do a year of stand-alone therapy to prepare myself for the surgery before I even had it. What people don’t realize is it cuts out this hormone that if you have addiction issues, it stops your craving, and it makes you not emotionally eat, and that was a huge problem for me.»

«I was sober before, it did help, I don’t crave alcohol at all anymore,» she added. «All it is is a push in the right direction. It doesn’t solve all your problems…It’s not a quick fix.»

Additionally, Osbourne admitted that her weight loss has made her «resentful at Hollywood. So f**king resentful.»

«Because when I was fat, I was invisible. They didn’t want to work with me, they didn’t want to do anything with me,» she said. «Now in retrospect, I know exactly who I’ll work with and who I won’t. Because I know who called me fat, I know who didn’t want to work with me. I know exactly who said it…I’ve got really thick skin, but I take that, and I put it into my memory bank. I remember what you said about me, and that’s the best revenge.”

For more on Osbourne’s recent weight loss, see below. 





Who Is Kelly Osbourne?

Kelly Osbourne is a British-American television personality, actress, singer, and fashion designer, born and brought up in London, England. She gained widespread recognition for her appearances on the reality TV show “The Osbournes,” which followed the lives of her family including her father, rock legend Ozzy Osbourne. Kelly also won Emmy Awards for it, and later pursued a music career and released albums like “Shut Up.” She has also appeared as a contestant on various TV shows, including “Dancing with the Stars” and won 3rd place in it. Osbourne is also famous for her out-of-the-box style and bold personality. She is also an advocate for various social and health issues, including body positivity and LGBTQ+ rights.

Kelly Osbourne Previously Shocked Fans With Her Appearance In January 2022

In January 2022, Kelly returned to social media after taking a break for two months to focus on her sobriety, and also to mourn the death of her beloved dog, Polly, who sadly passed away due to a pulmonary heart defect. And Kelly made her first moments back on Instagram count, as she posted not one but three pictures between Sunday, January 2nd and Monday, January 3rd, two of which completely blew fans away!

One of the pictures the former Fashion Police co-host shared with her 2.5M followers was with brother Jack Osbourne’s daughter Minnie, now five, who Kelly referred to as her «mini-me» niece in the picture. And although no one can argue that the two looked adorable together, our attention was purely focussed on Kelly’s incredible transformation because we think she looked like a completely different person!

The former Project Catwalk host captioned the picture of her and Minnie wearing matching dungarees (so cute!): «Me and my mini-me! I love being an aunt!!! #MinnieOsbourne.» The comments section was full of praise for The Osbournes star’s look, as well as her adorable relationship with her niece. «Looking fabulous! Those frames are ,» wrote one fan, while another said that she was, «Such a gorgeous woman!»

«You just get better looking all the time,» wrote another, while another concurred, adding, «You just keep getting hotter and hotter.» However, fans couldn’t help but notice her very different appearance, which they put down to «filler» among other things. «Oh my Kelly — you are almost unrecognizable. You do look beautiful though,» one fan wrote. «What’s up with your face?» another questioned, which one IG user took upon themselves to respond to, writing, «Agree she’s looking so plastic — it’s sad to see,» followed by a sad emoji. «Cute. Please enough filler!» yet another user said, which someone else agreed with, adding, «Agree it’s looking way too plastic!!»

However, it was the seemingly makeup-free selfie she posted, which she captioned, «Walking on a winter wonderland,» that caused the most controversy in the comments section. Many of the comments were in relation to her unrecognizable appearance, and whether it was caused by a combination of plastic surgery, fillers, and Botox, or just picture editing.

«Who is this??» one user asked, to which someone responded, «Kelly Kardashian or Jenner.» Another fan also replied, adding, «Sad to see that she also succumbed to plastic surgery.» Another fan thought that some of Kelly’s unrecognizable appearance could be down to photo editing apps and filters, as opposed to just fillers and plastic surgery, writing, «Please stop facetuning. You’re naturally gorgeous. With all the adjustments to your photo, you’re unrecognizable.» Another fan didn’t buy that her appearance was down to picture editing, adding, «If only it was just photo editing…» What do you think of Kelly’s truly shocking pictures? Would you have recognized her?

Kelly Osbourne’s Weight Loss Struggle

Image: Shutterstock

Kelly Osbourne has openly talked about her addiction to alcohol and being an emotional eater. Consuming too much alcohol causes dehydration and prevents normal functioning of your body. On top of it, if you do not work out, your body starts accumulating calories.

Kelly Osbourne’s high-stress lifestyle prompted her to make poor food choices. Emotional eating is triggered due to stress. It helps people feel “complete” and fill the void. Ever eaten a whole tub of ice cream after a breakup? That’s exactly what emotional eating is. If you do it regularly, it becomes a habit, and your brain constantly sends hunger signals. Breaking this cycle is challenging.

Quick Tip
Prevent emotional eating by keeping a food journal to track your hunger, calling a friend whenever you want to binge eat, meditating to deal with stress, and focusing on your hobbies.

Note: Getting a gastric sleeve surgery done by a licensed doctor is safe.

Check out a few quick details about Kelly Osbourne’s weight loss surgery in the next section.

Личная жизнь Kelly Osbourne

Несмотря на молодость и неопытность,
Келли Осборн была и остается одной из самых скандальных и интересных личностей шоу-бизнеса. Она неустанно продолжает шокировать поклонников и прессу то своими экстравагантными нарядами и сменами имиджа,
то бурными скандалами,
вокалистом группы The Used,
то своей открывшейся лекарственной зависимостью,
с которой в 2005 году она отправилась бороться в специальную клинику.

Летом 2010 года 25-летняя Келли рассталась со своим женихом,
20-летней моделью Люком Уореллом. Пара была вместе 2 года,
но недавно девушка узнала о многочисленных изменах Люка. Это стало ударом для Келли. «Никак не могу смириться, — писала она в Twitter. — Не удается не падать духом,
совсем не весело. Отправляясь в постель,
благодарю Бога за завтрашний день».

Пережить разрыв Келли Осборн удалось с помощью старого проверенного девичьего способа: кардинальной смены имиджа,
новой стрижки и новой фигуры.

Kelly Osbourne’s Transformation – Before And After Her Weight Loss

Image: Shutterstock

Image: Shutterstock

Indeed, a vegan diet and staying active worked in favor of Kelly Osbourne and gave her life a fresh start.

Addiction to alcohol, food, or a sedentary lifestyle means not being in a healthy mental space, the effects of which show on the body. But when you start exercising and treating your body well, the release of endorphins helps improve your mental health. That is exactly what you need to see in these before and after pictures.

Patients still have to maintain their bodies and diet post-op. To maintain one’s weight post-surgery requires patience for recovery, and the surgery aids the weight loss trajectory. A study conducted in 2000 on 6 patient groups of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass recorded the weight changes after the surgery. The findings are given below in the graph.

Weight change trajectory groups following RYGB

Source: Medical Management of the Postoperative Bariatric Surgery Patient

Kelly Osbourne said that she feels great to be in charge of her life; weight loss is just a byproduct.

Kelly Osbourne’s weight loss drops several hints at how you can successfully prevent weight gain and stay in shape.

Related: 16 Best Remedies To Lose Weight Naturally In 2 Weeks

How Did Kelly Osbourne Shed 85 Pounds After Surgery?

Kelly Osbourne had to completely revamp her lifestyle to prevent weight gain after the gastric sleeve surgery. She said, “The kind of surgery I had… if you don’t work out and you don’t eat right, you gain weight. All it (gastric sleeve surgery) does is move you in the right direction… it doesn’t solve all your problems. It’s not a quick fix.”

In a survey conducted on 1000 US adults, it was found that 10% of them consider weight loss drugs or surgery as the first line of treatment for weight loss. It was also noted that 62% oppose the guidelines regarding weight loss surgery for children. The survey also showed that the majority of Americans believe in losing weight by making dietary changes or increasing physical activity.

Here’s all the deets about her diet plan and workout routine.

Related: 3 Types Of Weight Loss Injections – Benefits & Side Effects

Kelly Osbourne’s Weight Loss Diet

Image: Shutterstock

Kelly Osbourne went on a plant-based, vegan diet. It excluded animal products like meat, fish, milk, cheese, eggs, sausage, salami, and ham. The vegan diet has multiple health benefits – people tend to feel full quickly, do not feel hungry all the time, and lose weight. It helps reduce blood cholesterol levels, keeps the heart healthy, and prevents gut problems.

Did You Know?
Global celebrities like Natalie Portman, Jessica Chastain, Ariana Grande, Benedict Cumberbatch, Virat Kohli, Beyonce, and many more are following plant-based or vegan diets for a healthy life.

intermittent fastinghealth benefits

But Kelly Osbourne is also aware of junk vegan foods that can cause weight gain. That’s why she emphasizes the importance of portion control and moderation. In an interview, she said, “For me, what it’s all about is finding that healthy moderation, which is easier said than done … When you sat there in front of a plate of French fries, there is no moderation.”

She also added, “I indulge with pizza and cheese — I love Brie — and have cookies sometimes…but now, when I’m full, I stop eating! It may have taken me 26 years to figure it out, but I’ve finally learned how to do it right.”

In an interview with The Huffington Post, she said “I eat my fattiest meal in the morning. If I’m craving pizza, I’ll have it for breakfast, salad for lunch, and oatmeal for dinner.”

She means it’s okay to give in to cravings, but you have to balance it out with other healthy meals.

Osbourne also said, “So you have to realize if I’m going to eat this, I’m going to do an extra 15 minutes (work out) … just balance everything out.” Scroll down to know what her workout routine looks like.

Related: Best Crash Diet For Fast Weight Loss, Diet Plan, Side Effects

Kelly Osbourne’s Workout Routine

Exercise and staying active are important to keep the pounds away and reduce the risk of health issues. Kelly Osbourne loves to work out – “Working out is something I really enjoy doing… I never thought I’d be that kind of girl. I do up to half an hour of cardio, and I also do circuit training, yoga, and Pilates — I mix it up.”

She also added, “I have a Hoopnotica hula hoop. I use It every day, and it’s made my back and arms stronger. On Saturday nights, my friends and I put on ridiculous outfits and hula-hoop and dance when everyone else is at ’da club.”

Kelly Osbourne’s personal trainer Lacey Stone recommends push-ups, deadlifts, tricep dips, and shoulder press. She says, “I’d recommend you do a circuit like this 2 to 3 times per week and spin class or any cardio class 2-3/week.”

It gets hard to adhere to a workout routine if it feels like a chore. Therefore, combining activities that help burn calories while making you happy is essential.

Let’s take a quick look at how this lifestyle change has worked out for Kelly Osbourne.

Related: 15 Best Workouts For Women To Get A Lean And Fit Body

Kelly Osbourne Lifestyle & Net Worth

Kelly is reportedly estimated to have a Net Worth of around $21 Million. Also, the actress owns a luxurious villa Downtown near California Street, which cost the actress an amount of $18 million. Her villa is designed with a fine touch of wood and marble all around.

Her villa is equipped with one gym, two big halls, a tennis court, and a home theatre. The star had customized to meet the luxury of a high-class mansion. And that’s the reason you will find fantastic art and creativity in her house everywhere.

Kelly Osbourne (Credits: TODAY)

One of the most interesting and beautiful things in her villa is her mini fountain which is on the ground floor just near the stairs, which is specially customized by her builder as per her needs. Apart from this, the star also has a unique collection of flowers that she used to plant in her garden.

Her garden is also one of the most lovely places in her villa, as it is filled with different flowers from different estates and countries, which the actress herself takes care of every day. And had decorated the garden with different artificial plants and potteries.

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